What are SODECI and SIEE in the Ivory Coast?

What are SODECI and SIEE in the Ivory Coast?

SODECI (Société des eaux de Côte d’Ivoire) is the water distribution company of the Ivory Coast. It produces, transports, and distributes drinking water in urban areas of the Ivory Coast.

What is the Ivorian Company of Water and the Environment?

The Ivorian Company of Water and the Environment (SIEE) is a joint venture set up by the PFO Africa – Veolia consortium to operate and maintain the Mé drinking water plant. The Ivorian government has just signed a new partnership agreement with SIEE1

What is the La Mé plant?

The La Mé plant is a drinking water treatment plant located on an eight-hectare site 30 km north of Abidjan. It has a production capacity of 240,000 m³ and produces drinking water that meets the needs of 2.4 million people in several municipalities in the north of Abidjan, including Cocody, Abobo, and Youpougon, as well as in the east.

Recently, the government of Alassane Ouattara has granted Veolia a 15-year agreement to work and maintain another drinking water treatment plant close to Abidjan, Veolia reported on Wednesday. In 2018, the Ivorian government previously trusted the consortium Veolia-PFO Africa with the plan, development, and authorizing of the La Mé plant.

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