Shocking Turn of Events: Prominent Ivory Coast Minister Makes Sudden Escape to London!

Shocking Turn of Events: Prominent Ivory Coast Minister Makes Sudden Escape to London!

Abdourahmane Cissé, who held the strategic position of Secretary General of the Presidency under President Alassane Ouattara since March 2021, was dismissed on Thursday, November 30, 2023. The real reasons for his dismissal and his destination have been revealed by the colleague Africa Intelligence.

In a surprising political turnaround, Abdourahmane Cissé recently left the Secretariat General of the Presidency. This decision, formalized on November 30, was reportedly made at the end of October, according to exclusive information revealed by Africa Intelligence.

The reasons for this dismissal highlight significant tensions between the trained engineer and the Ivorian head of state, revealing divergences on crucial issues. Behind the scenes, the relationship between the former Minister in charge of the Budget and Alassane Ouattara reportedly deteriorated over the past few months.

The former Minister of Petroleum was marginalized on several strategic fronts, particularly against the Deputy Secretary General of the Presidency, Masséré Touré Koné, and Fidèle Sarassoro, reports the newspaper. Abdourahmane Cissé no longer had a say in matters related to finance and sovereignty budget, a domain reserved for Masséré Touré Koné. Similarly, issues related to diplomacy and defense were concentrated in the hands of Sarassoro.

This marginalization led Mr. Cissé to express his desire to leave his position as early as September—a wish that was reportedly denied by Alassane Ouattara, who prefers to end the functions of his collaborators himself. Abdourahmane Cissé’s situation became even more complicated with the emergence of Vice President Tiemoko Myeliet Koné, a rise in power that contributed to the weakening of his position within the presidency.

As a result, the former SG of the Presidency decided to leave Abidjan to settle in London, his planned destination since his departure. The former operator in the British branch of the investment bank Goldman Sachs in the 2000s, indeed joined the British capital on December 1st with his family, informs Africa Intelligence.

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