Senegal: Ousmane Sonko filed a criminal complaint against Macky Sall

Senegal: Ousmane Sonko filed a criminal complaint against Macky Sall

A legal counselor of Ousmane Sonko filed a criminal complaint against Macky Sall in a French court on Thursday and furthermore asked the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate the Senegalese government’s new dangerous crackdown on protesters.

The 168-page record blames President Macky Sall and others for “violations against mankind.” It comes following destructive fights recently, ignited by criminal accusations against Sonko that pundits accept were politically propelled.

The court documentation, which was introduced at a news gathering on Thursday in Paris, subtleties 50 passings since March 2021. It names Senegal’s president, interior minister, the head of police, alongside in excess of 100 other Senegalese and French authorities, as being complicit in “politically spurred viciousness against unarmed demonstrators, activists, writers, legal advisors, and common residents.”

“This fits every one of the rules of the ICC of wrongdoings against mankind regarding gravity, concerning ward,” said Sonko’s legal advisor, Juan Branco, in a meeting with the Press.

Branco, who accumulated and introduced in excess of 600 pieces of evidence in the authority grievance, recently addressed WikiLeaks organizer Julian Assange and individuals from the Gilets Jaunes development in France.

Senegal’s administration didn’t promptly deliver a response to Thursday’s court filing, however, specialists have rejected that police activities have added up to exorbitant power.

Branco referred to numerous explanations behind filing the complaint in France, including the way that few individuals hurt by the public authority reaction have dual citizenships in France and Senegal. The move is likewise expected to demonstrate that the Senegalese justice system is corrupt.

Sonko’s lawyers said that they are confident the ICC examiner will treat the case in a serious way given the strength and extent of the evidence.

“We truly anticipate that he should open quickly a primer assessment looking into it,” Branco said. “Also, we think he has adequate evidence at this stage to really go to the pretrial chamber and request to open an examination.”

Sonko, long seen as the best political danger to Senegal’s decision party in the following year’s official political race, presently faces exclusion subsequent to being given a two-year jail sentence recently following his conviction on charges of debasing youth.

In one more body of evidence brought against him, the opposition leader was vindicated on charges of assaulting a lady who worked at a massage parlor and conveying passing intimidations against her.

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