President Laurent Gbagbo On A Trip To Europe

President Laurent Gbagbo On A Trip To Europe

According to the Ivorian News Website, Laurent Gbagbo was seen at the airport Houphouet-Boigny on Friday, leaving Abidjan for a European destination.

He left Abidjan on the evening of Friday, June 16, 2023, aboard a commercial airplane of an airline operating the Abidjan-Paris route and vice versa. The former Ivorian head of state was accompanied by his wife, Mrs. Nady Bamba, and some members of his domestic staff. As usual, Laurent Gbagbo brought joy and shared his good mood with the people present yesterday at the VIP Lounge of Abidjan Airport before leaving Ivorian soil.

This trip comes at a time when the Independent Electoral Commission (CEI) has just closed the doors of the electoral dispute. The main points of contention are numerous irregularities found in the provisional voter list. But above all, Laurent Gbagbo’s removal from the voter list. This situation continues to dominate the political news in Côte d’Ivoire.

According to insiders, the leader of the PPA-CI party has important appointments to fulfill in some European capitals. According to our sources, the former head of state will take the opportunity of his presence in Europe to recharge his batteries. This is in preparation for his full participation in the electoral campaign for the Regional and Municipal elections scheduled for September. His party, the PPA-CI, is involved on several fronts. The date of President Laurent Gbagbo’s return to Côte d’Ivoire is currently unknown.

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