Marie-Josée Ta Lou and Murielle Ahouré

Marie-Josée Ta Lou and Murielle Ahouré

Marie-Josée Ta Lou and Murielle Ahouré of Côte d’Ivoire are unequivocally the two best short sprinters in African history. Ta Lou owns the 100m African record of 10.72 second, run at the 2022 Monaco Diamond League. Murielle Ahouré owns the 60m African record of 6.97 run at the 2018 World Indoor Championships. In addition, Ta Lou and Ahouré have won a total of 9 Global medals, both indoors and out, in the past 10 years. Both ladies have not only thrust their country of Côte d’Ivoire into the spotlight when it comes to fast times and global medals, but also completely dominated and led the way for sprinting on the continent of Africa as a whole.

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