
Anomalies related to the civil registry system need to be addressed (PDCI-RDA)

In the process of the electoral list dispute in the Ivory Coast, the PDCI-RDA, had a second working session with
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Conviction of Laurent Gbagbo in the case of the looting of the BCEAO

According to the Spokesperson of Ouattara’s government, the charges against Laurent Gbagbo in the case of the looting of the
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Weather Conditions Compromise Ivory Coast Cocoa Mid-crop

Weather Conditions, meaning heavy rain and floods compromise Ivory Coast cocoa mid-crop, Farmers say Heavy rain in a large portion
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Cocoa Prices Surge amid Ivory Coast Supply Concerns

Cocoa costs encountered a further surge last week, because of developing worries about the expected effect of an El Nino
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Kangaroo care in the Ivory Coast

Kangaroo care got ringing support in a review distributed in the British Medical Journal this week. It’s the most recent
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